Company Profile Employment Opportunities
Aust-Mech Australian Conveyor Systems Pty Ltd is a family-owned Australian company founded some 25 years ago to specialize in the design and manufacture of quality, high-performance bulk handling equipment. Our offices and manufacturing facility are located in the town of Dalby in southeast Queensland.
In the early 1980’s Company founder Anthony (Tony) Gilbert developed the Aust-Mech Tubeveyor. This range of belt in tube conveyors was at the forefront of conveyor technology and revolutionized bulk grain handling in Australia. Due to the success of Aust-Mech Tubeveyors the concept is now to be seen in all corners of the globe. Through our constant product development, the Tubeveyor range continues to lead the field worldwide in bulk materials handling equipment proving itself not only in the agricultural sector but also ideal for numerous industrial applications.
Aust-Mech’s reputation is further enhanced not only by its extensive range of standard equipment available but also by its ability to custom build, and we have a special interest in problem-solving, with a willingness to design and develop the unusual.
Our ‘ Tubeveyor’ range of belt in tube conveyors are available with capacities of 1 to 600 tonnes per hour and range from highly mobile on-farm types to fixed position stationary machines for industry.
Our range of mobile Tubeveyors are ideal for on-farm operations (into and out of silos, bunkiers, trucks, groupers, seeders, etc) and for around large bulk grain handling and storage facilities. These Tubeveyors can be further enhanced with the attachment of Drive Over Grids or Swing Away Receivers and Cross Sweep Retrievers. Other Options include directional head chutes, inflow grain weighers, lighting kits among many others. Most mobile Tubeveyors are self-propelled to enable simple one-man moveability on site. These Tubeveyors are commonly available in lengths from 6m to 40m long with machines over 15m long incorporating our unique folding barrels and telescopic axles for convenient (escort free in most cases) road towing.
Stationary Tubeveyors can be designed to service almost any grain processing plant or storage facility. Commonly used to fill and empty lines or clusters of silos Aust-Mech pioneered the use of Tubeveyors in Circular Silo Layouts. This offer, at an extremely low competitive price, single unload and out load points, high capacity grain transfer into, out of, and between silos, and simple operation amongst other benefits. Our Compact range of Tubeveyors is ideal for use in processing and seed grading plants.
In addition to our extensive range of Tubeveyors we manufacture conveyors in numerous configurations including, steep angle cleated belt conveyors, flat roller bed or flat slide types, roller trough, and live sorting tables.
Our research and development in handling corrosive and abrasive products such as Ammonium Nitrate Prill (explosive material) and Mineral Sands has led the company to incorporate some of these developments into grain handling machines greatly improving their service life and maintenance requirements.
With the move to ‘ B doubles’ ‘ AB triples’ and ‘ road trains’ in the Australian bulk grain transport industry we have developed a range of self-propelled, portable drive over grids and stackers in all belt and auger types.
Aust-Mech has also developed the most comprehensive range of bulk grain Container Filling Equipment in Australia including various models of both horizontal and vertical container fillers. The horizontal fillers are available with auger or belt conveyor feeders and are available as stationary units or instantly relocatable, road towable units. They can also incorporate vertical, transverse, and angular movement of the feeder conveyor. Grain flow weighers or container load cells can also be incorporated as can completely automated systems.
Our vertical container fillers include a range of container tilters to elevate the container to 30º 45º or 90º and are also available as fixed position or transportable units. Flow weighers or whole container load cell weighers are standard options.
Our industrial range includes purpose-designed conveyors and equipment for handling ammonium nitrate in factories and on mine sites, mineral sands, bentonite, sawmill waste, compost, hay, sewerage slurry, crushed ice, glass, delicate food items, and almost any other commodity you could think of. Aust-Mech has considerable experience in these fields, producing customized systems with differing degrees of complexity to suit our clients’ needs. These include conveying, storing, transporting, monitoring, recording, weighing, and packaging. ‘ State of the art’ systems can be designed, manufactured, and installed for “ one man” push-button operation.
Continuous flow weighing, batch weighing, and bulk to the bag are also part of the range of equipment manufactured including surge and storage hoppers and bins. A wide range of industrial applications are catered for and inquiries from those sectors are welcomed.
The quality, attention to detail, and the ability of Aust-Mech to meet clients’ requirements have secured our place as a leading supplier of bulk materials handling equipment throughout Australia and overseas.
Anthony Gilbert continues to drive the success of the company and its products with his commitment to ongoing research and development and his ability to provide innovative solutions for almost any project.