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Under Silo Conveyors


  • Fast, clean, gentle and easy outloading from silos.
  • Provides single outloading point from multiple silos.
  • Outload direct to trucks or rail without additional conveyors.
  • Service several silos with only one conveyor system.
  • Outload material from one or more silos at once.
  • Allows inloading into one silo, while outloading from another.
  • ‘S’ drive and unique Aust-Mech spring tensioners to belt where practical
  • Optional screw feeder facility to meter grain from silos.
  • Optional removable bypass chute under silo outlets.
  • Backup field service Australia wide.


  • Various capacities from 1 to 10 tones per minute.
  • Various power options to suit your situation.
  • ‘S’ uplift outlet height.
  • Ultra slimline design for low silos.
  • Designs to allow for sealed silos
  • Removable Screw feeder facility to meter grain from silos.
  • Removable bypass chute under silo outlets.

We also suggest you view our ‘Circular Conveyor Systems’ and ‘Overhead Conveyor Systems’ pages

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p 07 4662 4200    f 07 4662 4943    a/h 0429 063 322     e admin@austmech.com     a PO Box 858, Dalby Queensland 4405, Australia
Aust-Mech Australian Conveyor Systems Pty Ltd © 2021. Site designed by www.smartprintgroup.com