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Overhead Conveyor Systems

Aust-Mech manufactures various types of over silo conveyor systems which can be designed to best suit your application. They commonly incorporate Tubeveyor or trough type conveyors and can be configured for ‘in line’ or ‘cluster’ silo layouts or simply from a process plant into a silo complex. These systems offer the great advantage of a single inload point to all the silos in the system and with Aust-Mech conveyors, they also feature high capacity conveying, are gentle on grain and are self-cleaning.

Since most silo layout differ in some way, and each site has individual requirements, we would be pleased to talk with you to design a system ideal for your application.

We also suggest you view our ‘Circular Conveyor Systems’ and ‘Under Silo Conveyors’ pages

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p 07 4662 4200    f 07 4662 4943    a/h 0429 063 322     e admin@austmech.com     a PO Box 858, Dalby Queensland 4405, Australia
Aust-Mech Australian Conveyor Systems Pty Ltd © 2021. Site designed by www.smartprintgroup.com