Company Profile
Aust-Mech, Australian Conveyor Systems Pty Ltd is a family owned Australian company founded over 25 years ago. We specialise in the design and manufacture of quality, high performance bulk materials handling equipment for the agricultural, mining and manufacturing industries.
From the outset our innovative ‘Tubeveyor’ range of belt in tube conveyors set the benchmark for bulk grain handling equipment. Through constant product development the Tubeveyor range continues to lead the field world wide in bulk materials handling equipment proving itself not only in the agricultural sector but also ideal for numerous industrial applications.
In addition to our extensive range of standard equipment, Aust-Mech are also pleased to custom design and manufacture equipment to suit your application or to solve your materials handling problem. Our workshops are well equipped to handle most general engineering tasks and we are also equipped for ‘one off’ or ‘prototyping’ design and / or fabrication projects.
Examples of products handled using Aust-Mech Conveyors and equipment.
- Grain and legumes
- Grain and meat meals
- Ammonium Nitrate prill (explosive)
- Bentonite powder
- Saw dust
- Wood chips
- Crushed ice
- Glass bottles
- Crushed glass
- Hay, loose and in bales
- Stock feed
- Compost
- Manure
- Shipping containers
- Styrofoam and cardboard boxes
- Recycled materials
- Mineral sands
- Sugar cane waste
- Bagged products
- Sewerage slurry
- Organic manure
- Delicate food items
- Fertilisers
- Pellets
- Cotton seed
- Chaff
- Nuts, nut shells
- Gypsum
- Coal
- Sand, soil
Example of Aust-Mech’s corporate clients
- AA Co
- Adams Packaging
- Agrinational
- Allgold Foods
- AMH (Australian Meat Holdings)
- Auscott
- Australian Zeolites
- AWB Grainflow
- AWH (Australian Wool Handlers)
- Bartter Enterprises
- Blair Athol Coal
- Blue Ribbon Grains
- BMA Norwich Park
- Brooks Grain
- Canz Commodities
- Cargill
- Chalmers Commodities
- Clyde Ag
- Consolidated Rutile
- Corish Farms
- CSD (Cotton Seed Distributers)
- Dunnavants
- Dyno Nobel
- Elders
- Grain Silos and Flour Milling Organisation of Saudi Arabia
- Grainco
- Graincorp
- Grainlink
- Greentree farming
- JK Milling
- Landmark
- McNaught Transport
- Modern Engineering and construction
- NAPCO (North Australian Pastoral Company)
- Narrogin Hay
- Nestlé
- Orica Mining
- Pacific Seeds
- Peagrowers Co-op
- Queensland Cotton
- Queensland Rail
- Ricegrowers
- Roach Blasting
- South Pacific Ag.
- Tamworth Container Packing
- Vic Grain
- Walgett Special One Grain Co-op
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